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What does it mean?... Your Skin is your largest organ

There may not be a fountain of youth...but the food we eat and how we treat ourselves can prevent or even reverse aging. You can tell a lot about someone’s health by their skin.

Your body needs the right nutrients to fight off damage, and your skin is no different. Nutrients help the cells replicate and have more energy. Processed foods, stress, toxins and low-nutrient diets will accelerate aging. Protecting yourself from harmful chemicals while getting enough sleep, relaxation and exercise will all help you maintain a healthy glow.

What goes in your body, shows on the outside and I’m not just talking about your weight. (That’s a whole other story...more on that later) I’m talking about your skin!

If you are having skin issues, you might need to look deeper than the products you are putting on yourself. (Although, I would recommend starting with this line because it’s natural, it works, and it gives your skin the nutrients that it craves.)

I’m talking about repairing your skin from the inside out!

What you eat and put in your mouth makes a huge difference! I am not a doctor here to give you facts and figures, I’m just here to share what has been working for me and what works for so many of my friends.

Nutrition Mission for your Skin

PROTEIN: Building new cells…New skin

Protein is one of the few substances we must ingest. We cannot make our own protein. It’s needed for every cell. Shaklee’s RAW vegetable Energizing Soy Protein means less toxic substances, less hormonal disturbances, no cholesterol, less fat, less acid and longer cell life.

VITA LEA: Proper balance of all 23 vitamins and minerals

Includes important trace minerals. Your body cannot produce minerals. They must be provided in your diet. Foods that are not organically grown are low in minerals.

B-COMPLEX: Reduces stress reactions in the skin like canker sores & shingles

Lip problems, especially cracks at the corners of lips, indicate B Complex deficiency. Stress may cause skin breakouts. Is you skin too oily or to dry? B Complex will balance your skin.

VITA C: Collagen construction and tissue integrity

Helps your body resist infection. A deficiency of C or protein can contribute to wrinkles and sagginess! Sufficient C will help with resiliency and collagen formation. Environmental pollution and stress destroys C. Deficiency can increase allergies and skin problems.

VITA E: Delays aging process, De-activates free radicals

Tones muscles, improves elasticity, increases circulation, protects cell membranes, assists body in utilizing oils, relieves itchiness. Leathery skin may be improved by Vitamin E.

LECITHIN: Plumps the skin, beneficial to nerves and thereby skin functions

Some have found lecithin to be helpful in eczema.

OMEGA 3 ACIDS: Omega 3s and Lecithin help to provide essential fatty acids

Your skin needs these oils to stay soft and supple, especially if you are on a low fat diet. Omega 3s have been found to be very helpful with psoriasis.

ZINC: Healing factor, helpful with immune system and acne

Collagen manufacture slows down without zinc.

HERB LAX: Skin is one avenue of elimination of toxins

Insures proper elimination so that the skin has less of a work load.

IMMUNITY FORMULA I: Contains the antioxidants to assist your immune system in preventing free radical damage and aging.

CAROTOMAX: Complex of carotenoids, including Beta Carotene, which is the precursor for Vitamin A production — no one has healthy skin without sufficient Vitamin A. Beta Carotene is the best way to get Vitamin A because it is stored in all the cells in the body, not just in the liver.

LIVER DTX: A sluggish liver is the reason for fatty deposits in the skin, commonly called age spots or liver spots. Using milk thistle in Liver DTX can help rejuvenate liver function and keep the skin young and healthy looking

VIVIX: .Helps your cells repair and protect against daily damage. A unique patented blend of combined polyphenols that stimulate cellular pathways involved in antioxidant defense.

Get Clean® Water is a revolutionary new water filtration pitcher system certified by the Water Quality Association (WQA) to reduce up to 99% of lead 1 —as well as dozens of other nasty contaminants that can turn up in your water and may be harmful to your skin and health.

One simple regimen with all the essential antioxidants and nutrients your skin craves. Each step is formulated to do its part to nourish your skin. But it's the steps combined that will give you skin so radiant, you won't believe your mirror. In 28 short days, and just three minutes of Enfuselle Nutrition Therapy morning and night, you’ll notice your skin looking younger – guaranteed. Clinical studies confirm.

To order your healthy nutrition, Go here

To order your new skin care line, Go here

Here are a few before and after pics from people that switched to Enfuselle! All these photos are untouched, taken by the person not a professional. Amazing, right?

Before and After.jpg
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Thanks for stopping by! I run this blog in order to share what I've learned about health and nutrition, but there are certain things I need to disclose:  I make money from my Shaklee links!  I have been an entrepreneur and health enthusiast since 1979, but I am not a healthcare professional. I am Shaklee Independent Distributor. The information provided on this website is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or mental health condition. Please consult your healthcare provider. I share personal stories and those of testimonials that others have shared. Please check the Shaklee labels and get advice of a qualified healthcare professional.

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